Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Dream Quest of the Unknown Art Blog

Dear Blog,

I was now on a dim-litten plain whose sole topographical features were great boulders and the entrances of burrows. The ghouls were in general respectful, even if one did attempt to pinch me while several others eyed my leanness speculatively. Through patient glibbering I made inquiries regarding my vanished friend, and found he had become a ghoul of some prominence in abysses nearer the waking world.

- Ilya. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weird Tales of the Art Blog!

Dear Blog,

Look upon my works, ye mighty, and tremble.

Anyhow, sorry to ramble,
 - Ilya.
My photo
Snowflake Village, Berkshire County, United States
And thereupon in the presence of God I made a vow that if anything through his grace should be revealed to me, I would employ it to neither my own honour nor my own authority in the world, but to the spreading of his Name, and the service of my neighbour. And with this vow, and good hope, I departed out of my cell with joy. all images are basically copyright Ilya Ilyich Oblomov!